Just one day to go until the US release of MASTERMIND! In the meantime, a few more advance reviews for the book, from Kirkus Reviews, Psychology Today, and Scientific American. Kirkus calls MASTERMIND “bright and entertaining … Will enthrall Baker Street aficionados while introducing many readers to the mindful way of life.” In the February issue of Psychology Today, Marina Koren includes MASTERMIND in the “Bookshelf Insight” section of the magazine. And Anna Kuchment includes the book in Scientific American‘s “Recommended” list for January 2013.
I’ve created a Facebook event to share tomorrow’s big day with you. Let the countdown begin!

Don’t know who this is, but it’s how I feel. Image credit: Creative Commons, Alexandre Normand’s Flickr photostream.
I’m totally making this face right now.
One Comment
I’m sure that Alexandre Normand (who’s Flickr photo you used) would really appreciate you adding a direct link to his photostream! He gave a great pictures up to Creative Commons…. Share the Love!