There’s been a lot of great MASTERMIND news in the last few weeks – and I’ve been terrible about adding updates to the website. So, I’ve decided to just lump everything in here.
First, I’ve done two radio appearances that I’ve enjoyed very much, one on MASTERMIND specifically, for NPR’s Dinner Party, and one on a piece that I wrote earlier in the month for The Boston Globe, on attention and boredom, for WNYC’s Brian Lehrer show.
MASTERMIND has also received two new reviews. Nature‘s “Books in Brief” writes: “Devotees of Arthur Conan Doyle’s conundrum-cracker will be thrilled by this portmanteau of strategies for sharpening cognitive ability.” A pdf of the review is available here. And Scott Huler adds MASTERMIND to Skeptically Speaking’s “Science Books for Your Gift List.”
There are also a few interviews and mentions that have come out in the last few weeks. I did an interview for Publisher’s Weekly, and the pdf is available here. Here are some questions I answered for the “Slightly Bookist” blog. And here is a lovely write-up of my writing that ran in Library Journal.
And in some miscellaneous news, the wonderful tech blogger Om Malik included MASTERMIND on his holiday reading list. I’m thrilled to be right next to Nate Silver on this one. And my piece on Holmes and mindfulness, “The Power of Concentration”, spent a week on the New York Times most-read list. Thank you for your support!
Oh, and tour dates are falling into place. Check out the “News and Events” section of my website. I hope to meet some of you in person in the coming months!