Scientific American
Why are we so afraid of creativity?
Scientific American (February 26, 2012) visit article
Hamlet and the power of beliefs to shape reality
Scientific American (February 18, 2012) visit article
How a book about the future inspired me to look into the neural underpinnings of the past
Scientific American (February 9, 2012) visit article
Remembering the exception to the rule: Of mockingbirds and morality
Scientific American (February 2, 2012) visit article
Can you keep a secret? Maybe you shouldn’t, even if you can
Scientific American (January 25, 2012) visit article
What do polar bears and social faux-pas have in common?
Scientific American (January 12, 2012) visit article
The psychology behind gift-giving and generosity
Scientific American (January 4, 2012) visit article
Winnie-the-Pooh and the Pervasiveness of egocentric bias: Why we are all THAT sort of bear
Scientific American (December 28, 2011) visit article
What can Winnie-the-Pooh teach us about media multitasking?
Scientific American (December 21, 2011) visit article
Understanding Freud’s legacy through the eyes of W. H. Auden
Scientific American (December 14, 2011) visit article