Articles, Essays
Snoozers are, in fact, losers
The New Yorker (online) (December 10, 2013) visit article
A list of reasons why our brains love lists
The New Yorker (online) (December 2, 2013) visit article
Why gamers can’t stop playing first-person shooters
The New Yorker (online) (November 26, 2013) visit article
On the face of it: The psychology of electability
The New Yorker (online) (November 18, 2013) visit article
You’re so self-controlling
The New York Times (November 16, 2013) visit article
Inside the cheater’s mind
The New Yorker (online) (October 31, 2013) visit article
The psychology of online comments
The New Yorker (online) (October 24, 2013) visit article
How impermanence can help us all get along
The Boston Globe (October 6, 2013) visit article
How music makes us feel better
The New Yorker (online) (September 26, 2013) visit article
Youngest kid, smartest kid?
The New Yorker (online) September 19, 2013 visit article